2 Mommies and a Baby


Monday, November 06, 2006

baby movement

We are lying in bed right now and playing that game with the remote. I guess since our TV remote is curved, it sits perfectly on Loey's belly and our little guy just kicks away at it.

When we took the remote off, we started seeing some belly movement.

For the first time, we saw a bulge appear on the right side of her belly, he kicked a little, then moved back to the other side.

I don't know if it was a head, butt, foot or an elbow that was jutting out, but it was something.

He is very, very active. Some things we have read say you should feel the baby 10 times in 5 hours. He just moved about 37 times in the last 10 minutes.

Also, someone just told me that she broke a rib in the 8th month of her pregnancy when her son kicked a little too hard. I didn't know that was possible!
posted by Holly at 10:12 PM


That's funny. That's what Riley was doing last night. For about 40 minutes she did not stop moving. Just kicking and rolling around.

12:24 AM  

Hey, great to find you, and enjoyable reading about your family. Best wishes and warm thoughts to you and your baby.

12:58 AM  

So, does he have a favorite channel yet? :)

1:04 PM  

It's fun, isn't it? Angele was able to watch all of the bulges as Riley kicked away. I can't see the movements as much since they are in the lower part of my abdomen--beyond my vision now. :-P

They used to make people do kick counts later on in pregnancy--10 kicks and you measure how long it takes.

Do you find Chubby has more active days than others? That's what I find with Riley. Some days she just doesn't let up and others she is more laid back.

3:43 PM  

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