2 Mommies and a Baby


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

getting back to ourselves

We have decided to stay with the same doctor. The doctor who Lois really liked met with us last week to go over our situation and what happened.
She seemed to be taking very proactive steps and expressed that our experience was fairly rare.
The length of this ordeal has definitely taken its toll.
Now, Lois has felt emotionally down since then, partly due to her hormone activity and mostly due to the fact that we were hoping to be 5 months pregnant in October. We are a little impatient to try again now and get on with our lives, but we will need to go through a few months of cycles and will do a specialized test next month to look at the possible fibroid issue.
Not sure right now when we will be ‘trying’ again.

In other news…
This weekend is October 1st. That means that the Connecticut civil union law goes into effect on Saturday. And on Saturday, we will be ‘unionized’? or is it ‘civil unioned’? or maybe ‘civil unionized partners’? whatever. We figure, what the hell, might as well do it and what better moment than the day it becomes legal. It’s a little cutting edge, right?
Then, at least the next time around, the baby born to us won’t be born to unwed parents ;-)

Maybe once we are CUPs (Civil Union Partners), then we will have an easier time with the second parent adoption process (another Connecticut gay friendly legislative enactment).

Maybe someday we will be a married couple (or CUPs until the law so allows) living in our own place (no longer living out of boxes at Laura’s house – not that we don’t enjoy it), with our new little baby hanging out on our couch watching TV with the fireplace going. What an image!

If only things moved quicker. At the same time, we don’t want to rush the time we have to ourselves now, right?
posted by Holly at 6:32 PM


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