2 Mommies and a Baby


Sunday, February 26, 2006

truly perturbed

I was left a message that really bothered me. It, of course, was anonymous.
This is what it said:

perhaps if you had been referring to this baby as YOUR baby, not "loey's baby" you'd have better luck. isn't it going to be your child as much as your partner's? i guess i don't get what's wrong with you that you wouldn't refer to this child as yours from the get-go.

Now...this person obviously does not know us.

First, I used “loeysbaby” for the web address to the blog because loisandhollysbaby.blogspot.com was too long and ourbaby.blogspot.com was already taken. The title of my blog is “Lois & Holly’s Baby Story” not “Loey’s Baby and Holly doesn’t give a rats ass”

Second, I have never for one second not considered this child anything other than ours together, my child as well as Lois’. I have never never never considered me less of a parent because I won’t be the birth parent (do I need to get into my family history and Lois’ more recent past?) Even after the miscarriage, Lois remarked that I had been much more upset about losing the baby than she was.

Third, I vetoed Lois’ superstition today and went to the IUI. The entire way up to the clinic and back, we talked about how maybe this time was the time, about how we would be great parents together, how both our parents would be grandparents again, etc. We will be anxiously trying to distract each other to get through the next 2 weeks of waiting to find out if it worked this time...if WE will be getting pregnant.

I am stunned that anyone would read my blog and think that I am not considering this my child too. Is that the message I am sending out because never in a million years would Lois even think that I don’t consider this child my own.

Every single person who knows me, work, personal, school, friends, all know how excited I am to have a child with my partner who I am dedicated to spend the rest of my life with a raise a family with.

If anyone out there reading this thinks that this anonymous person (why be anonymous?) is right, chime in! And to say that maybe we would have better luck if I wasn’t this asshole who didn’t think this baby was mine too?

I’m just blown away.

I don’t know what else to say.
posted by Holly at 6:32 PM



When a baby is in its mothers womb, it is not unusual to refer to it as the mothers baby. You know this baby is yours too. We all do. But in the womb, Lois gets 90% of interaction. It's her baby and her experience for the first 9 months. Those are the easy months. You get the child when it's born (when it gets harder...) :)


7:47 AM  

This baby is as much my baby as it is anyone else's except for you and Loey who get more right to it because when it wants to poop in its diaper it's going back to its mommies.

Holly, you can't give too much credit to haters on the internet. They're just jealous because Loey is hotter than they are.

2:03 PM  

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