2 Mommies and a Baby


Thursday, January 04, 2007

another cute doctor

Thank you everyone for your comments. I made Lois read them, and she's regaining energy to keep him in there. I did promise her that if she makes it to January 13th (35.5 weeks), I will allow* her to go to Salina's baby shower.

I did let* her out of the house for a little bit yesterday.

We had the orientation at the pediatric office last night.

The office has "well" waiting rooms and "sick" waiting rooms and does not have any toys due to the spread of germs.

I know my pediatrician when I was a kid did not have separate waiting rooms, and I am pretty sure there were toys in the waiting room, the toys that we sneezed on when waiting for our "sick visits," and those toys were not Lysol-ed every 15 minutes either.

The doctor who ran the orientation was very young and she was cute. (Every knows about how Lois must pick cute doctors: dentist, OB/GYN, etc.)

They have a bunch of doctors, but you always see the same pediatrician, so we have to pick one. Therefore, it looks like we are using them and will be choosing cute young orientation doctor as our pediatrician.

- - -

I opened up the Expectnet game again.

I’m inviting anyone to come back and place more guesses, now that we are closer (and we know it’s a boy), we are going to rely more on the date and time!

I’m hoping the winner is a date as close to the due date as possible!

*my use of the words "let" and "allow" make it seem like she will really listen to me. however, those of you who know us can probably all laugh at that since we really know who's boss in this relationship. lol.
posted by Holly at 9:18 AM


Sounds like your pediatrician's office is pretty smart. Good find.

I personally stay away from cute doctors. I hate it when I catch myself trying to make sick look pretty just to go get looked over.

2:21 PM  

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